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    The accumulation of sediment, deposited by tides, waves and wind.

    Spatial variability in the levels of the sea bed

    A deposit of sediment (usually sand and gravel) at the interface between the land and the sea

    Beach profile
    A cross-section taken perpendicular to a given beach contour, extending from above high tide level down the beach face to low tide level

    A rounded rock on a beach, with diameter greater than 250mm

    Chart datum (CD)
    The level to which water depths are reduced on most UK Admiralty Charts; this level is that of the predicted lowest astronomical tide

    A fine-grained, plastic, sediment with a typical grain size less than 0.004mm.

    Coastal sediment cell
    A coastal system within which the transport of sands and gravels is self-contained.

    Coastal defence
    General term used to encompass both coast protection against erosion and sea defence against tidal flooding

    Coastal processes
    A collective term covering the action of natural forces on the shoreline and nearshore sea bed

    Coastal protection
    Protection of land from erosion and encroachment by the sea

    A rounded rock on a beach, with diameter ranging from about 75 to 250mm

    Cohesive sediment
    Sediment containing significant proportion of clays, the electromagnetic properties of which cause the particles to bind together.

    Deep water
    Water too deep for waves to be affected by the sea bed

    Erosion of dunes by the wind

    Situation in which wave generation is limited by water depth

    In the direction of nett longshore drift of beach material

    Accumulations of wind-blown sand on the backshore, usually in the form of small mounds or ridges, often stabilised by vegetation

    Period of time when the tide level is falling

    Distance over which a wind acts to produce waves

    Situation in which wave generation is limited by fetch

    The inter-tidal area below highest tide level and above lowest tide level

    Beach material with diameter of 2 - 4mm

    Narrow, roughly shore-normal structure built to reduce longshore transport and trap and retain beach material

    A hard feature forming a local limit of the longshore extent of the beach

    Highest astronomical tide (HAT)
    The highest tide that can be expected to occur under the gravitational effects of the sun and the moon

    The foreshore area below highest tide level and above lowest tide level

    Littoral drift or longshore drift
    The movement of beach material along the coast by waves and tidal currents

    Lowest astronomical tide (LAT)
    The lowest tide that can be expected to occur under the gravitational effects of the sun and the moon

    Mean sea level
    The average level of the sea over a period of about 1 year, taking account of all tidal effects

    Mud flat
    An area of fine silt usually exposed at low tide but covered at high tide

    The zone which extends between the swash zone and the offshore zone, typically to water depths of the order of 20m

    The zone beyond the nearshore, usually in water depths of the order of 20m and beyond

    Water carried over the top of a coastal defence

    Beach material usually well-rounded and with diameter 4 - 75mm

    A sloping surface of rock or concrete used to protect a shoreline against erosion

    Sediment particles with a diameter of 0.062 - 2mm

    Sea defences
    Works to alleviate flooding from the sea

    Sea level rise
    Long term trend in mean sea level

    Solid coastal defence build parallel to the coastline

    Particulate matter derived from rocks, minerals or bioclastic debris

    Sediment sink
    Point, or area, at which beach material is deposited and lost from the active coastal sediment system. Typically this may be an estuary or sea bed channel.

    Sediment source
    Point, or area, on a coast from which beach material arises. Typically this may be an eroding cliff or a river mouth

    Having a period of half a tidal day, i.e. 12.4 hours

    A loose term for coarse beach material, a mixture of gravel, pebbles and larger material.

    The interface between the land and the sea

    Shore normal
    A line at right angles to the shoreline

    Significant wave height
    The average height of the highest one-third of the waves in a given sea state

    Sediment particles with a diameter between 0.004mm and 0.062mm

    A long, narrow accumulation of sand or shingle, generally extending across an inlet or estuary mouth

    Strand line
    Accumulation of debris (seaweed, driftwood, litter) cast up onto a beach and lying around the limit of wave uprush

    Changes in water level as a result of meteorological forcing

    Swash zone
    The zone of wave action on the beach

    Remotely-generated waves

    Tidal current
    The movement of water associated with the rise and fall of the tide

    Tidal range
    Vertical difference in high and low water

    The periodic rise and fall in the level of the water in oceans and seas as the result of the gravitational attraction of the sun and the moon

    Spatial variability in the levels of the beach

    Wave breaking
    Reduction in wave energy and height in the surf zone due to limited water depth

    Wave climate
    The seasonal or annual distribution of wave height, period and direction

    Wave diffraction
    Process affecting wave propagation by which wave energy is altered due to change in propagation direction induced by a feature such as a headland, island or offshore breakwater

    Wave direction
    Mean direction of wave energy propagation relative to true North

    Wave generation
    Growth of a wave by wind

    Wave height
    The vertical distance between the trough of a wave and its following crest

    Distance between two successive waves

    Wave period
    The time taken for two successive wave crests to pass the same point

    Wave reflection
    The return of part of an incident wave when it impinges on a reflecting surface, such as a seawall

    Wave refraction
    Process affecting wave propagation by which the direction of a wave moving in shallow water is affected by the sea bed contours to become more aligned with those contours

    Wave shoaling
    The transformation of a wave profile as it propagates from deep water to progressively shallower water and the effects of the sea bed start to become felt

    Wave transformation
    Change in wave energy due to the action of physical processes such as reflection, refraction, diffraction, shoaling and breaking